With this comprehensive tutorial, I take you through the process in 4 lessons that will take you from zero to hero and be able to convert motion capture data from the source character to any new character with Unreals powerful retargeting tools. Plus...
If you want to use "your own set" of motions on an ActoreCorecharacter in Unreal, you can take a look at this video to learn about the motion re-targeting process. The mapping file mentioned in the video can be downloaded here: https://file.reallusion.com/Retarget.zip...
you need to purchase the pipeline extension to export your character. CC3 comes with a 30-day free trial which we recommend using before fully committing to the software. Once imported to Unreal Engine using the auto importer, it’s relatively straightforward to retarget your animation. Checkout...
ビューポート内で [Show] をクリックして [NonRetarget Animation] にチェックを入れて、 [Bones] で [All Hierarchy] を選んですべてのボーンを表示します。 最終結果 以下の画面のようなスケルトンになるはずです。 ベース キャラクター 背が低く太ったキャラクター 背が高くやせ...
在平移重定向(Translation Retargeting)下,将b_MF_Root设置为动画(Animation),并将b_MF_Pelvis设置为缩放后动画(Animation Scaled)。 已经设置了骨架,我们现在可以从模板角色重定向AnimBluperint和动画。 导航到ThirdPersonAnimBP,右键单击它并选择复制动画蓝图并重定向(Duplicate Anim Blueprints and Retarget)。
单击重定向管理器(Retarget Manager) 按钮,然后在 选择绑定(Select Rig) 下,分配 Humanoid 绑定。 我们将此角色的动画蓝图和动画重定向为一个Infinity Blade角色。 在内容浏览器(Content Browser) 中,导航至Infinity Blade Adversaries文件夹中的 SK_Master_Grunt_Skeleton 并打开它。 单击重定向管理器(Retarget Manag...