mongodump: To dump all the records: mongodump --db databasename To limit the amount of data included in the database dump, you can specify --db and --collection as options to mongodump. For example: mongodump --collection myCollection --db test This operation creates a dump of the...
mongodump --db your_Database_Name --collection Your_Collection_Name Directory View Let’s drop the Order collection and try to restore from the backup using the restore command drop collection command: db.yourcollectionName.drop() MongoDB Copy Restore collection from the backup. Below is the...
Mongodumpand mongorestore is the tool for logical backup used inMongoDB, it is kind of mysqldump inMySQL, or pg_dump inPostgreSQL. The mongodump and mongorestore utility will be included when you install MongoDB and it dumps the data in BSON format. Mongodump is used to backup the datab...
Mongodumpis a simple MongoDB backup utility that creates high fidelity BSON files from an underlying database. These files can be restored using themongorestoreutility. Mongodump is an ideal backup solution for small MongoDB instances due to its ease of use and portability. File system backups ...
I created a backup of all my databases using mongodump command. Now I want to restore a specific database using mongorestore command. How is this possible, I use this command: --db option then mongodb doesn't restore a specific database. mongodb Share Improve this question...
NoSQLBooster: A feature-rich, cross-platform GUI for MongoDB that offers an IDE-like experience. MongoDB Shell (mongo): The command-line interface for interacting with MongoDB, useful for scripting and automation. mongodump and mongorestore: Tools for creating and restoring backups of MongoDB...
Open another tab or terminal windows to runmongorestore dump/ Oncemongorestorecompleted,mongodwill be terminated. And you can run mongodb as a background service or just runmongodagain. Open MongoDB withmongoor Robo 3T(formerly Robomongo), you will see your data is ...
Some popular tools include mysqldump for my structured query language (MySQL) databases, pg_dump for PostgreSQL, and mongoexport for MongoDB. Are there any legal considerations when performing a data dump? Yes, legal considerations may apply depending on the type of data you are handling. It...
To replicate the demo database on your MongoDB Atlas cluster, run the following command in your terminal:mongorestore --uri <your-connection-string> dump/Make sure to replace <your-connection-string> with your MongoDB Atlas connection string. If you've already followed the initial configuration...
$ mongodump --host=MongoDB 地址 --username= 用户名 --password= 密码 导出成功后,会在当前目录生成一个 dump 目录,所有的数据都会被导出到 dump 目录中。 通过VPN 隧道 连接到新浪云的云端网络。执行以下命令将数据导入到线上 MongoDB 实例里。 $ mongorestore --host=MongoDB 地址 --username= 用户名...