Acrobatic Instrument400Players don’t take fall damage, but large jumps can kill you, and you experience a long stand up animation every time you jump. Military Veteran750Increases the range on flamethrowers. Pain Medication300Painkillers give you an extra dose to restart temperature and heal woun...
modules.devices.NansException: A tensor with all NaNs was produced in Unet. This could be either because there's not enough precision to represent the picture, or because your video card does not support half type. Try setting the "Upcast cross attention layer to float32" option in Settings...
Almost makes me want to restart my playthrough so I don't kill any Awoofy. There's an in-game global stat tracker that measures how may awoofies are killed and it's like at 14 million. 2 Reply 21 shonenjump86 Wed 6th Apr 2022 I always thought about this...