It won’t show any success message, but the timezone is changed instantly. You don’t need to restart or log out. 💡 You don’t need to become a root user and use sudo with the command, your account still needs to have admin rights to change the timezone. You can verify the cha...
Now, even if you exit the session or restart the system, the JAVA_HOME variable will still be set to the value you specified. That’s what you want, right? Do note that if you change the default Java version in the future, you’ll have to change the value of JAVA_HOME and point ...
Plug the live USB or disk in to the computer and restart the computer. While booting the computer press F10 or F12 function key (defers from computer to computer) to go to the boot menu. Now, choose the option to boot fromUSBorRemovable Media. Step 3: Start the installation It will t...
IP addresses on Linux Systems in most cases are assigned byDynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) servers. IP addresses assigned this way are dynamic which means that the IP address might change when yourestart your Ubuntu system. It’s not necessary but it may happen. Dynamic IP is not an...