[cross@localhost redmine-2.6.5]$ cp -ar /opt/redmine/config/configuration.yml config [cross@localhost redmine-2.6.5]$ cp -ar /opt/redmine/files/ . [cross@localhost redmine-2.6.5]$ cp -ar /opt/redmine/plugins/ . 3. update dependencies: 在Gemfile中,添加taobao的source,即 source 'http:/...
Redmine plugins are designed to bring new features to the platform, making it more powerful and more responsive against different professional challenges. For example, it’s possible to add aCRMmodule to manage contacts and deals, enable an online invoicing system and even activate a special plugin...
svn co http://svn.redmine.org/redmine/branches/2.6-stable redmine#or install by # wget http://www.redmine.org/releases/redmine-2.6.1.tar.gz# configuecd redminecp config/...<IfModule mod_passenger.c></IfModule><VirtualHost *:80><Directory /opt/redmine/public> # This relaxes Apache secu...
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=[plugin_name] VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production Delete the plugin's folder To do so, please execute the following command as still being in the redmine/ directory: rm -fr plugins/[plugin_name] Restart Please restart your web server.Was...
Save changes and wait for mining client to restart. You are now mining ETC with TeamRedMiner.Please note that if you are using Nvidia and select TEAMREDMINER as a default mining client, the configuration won't be saved as this miner works only on AMD GPUs....
Step 1 - Install the Redmine dependencies Redmine has a lot of dependencies that we will install first. Login to your CentOS 7 server as root user: sshroot@ Install all dependencies that are required by Redmine and the packages needed for ruby and rvm with the yum command below...
Go to Redmine's root folder Copy and unarchive plugin Install required gems Migrate plugin's tables Restart Redmine app Video demonstrationOur plugins are easy to install and do not change Redmine database data, but we recommend a full backup before installation. What is commonly done is just ...
Step 1: Connect to your Server Step 2: Install MySQL Step 3: Create a Database for Redmine Step 4: Install Ruby Step 5: Install Nginx and Passenger Step 6: Download and Install Redmine Step 7: Install Ruby Dependencies, Generate Keys, and Migrate the Database ...
bundle install --without development test --no-deployment 迁移插件的表格 bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=[plugin_name] RAILS_ENV=production 重新启动Redmine应用程序 对于Phusion Passenger,只需触摸restart.txt文件即可 touch tmp/restart.txt
Add Minecraft and the game launcher to the firewall exception list. The system firewall may block your connection.Configure your Linux firewallto allow the Java binary orjavaw.exe. Reinstall your client and restart the server. Check if you can connect to other Minecraft servers. If there are...