ESP_ERROR_CHECK(wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security,pop, service_name, service_key)) . Here's my code to erase NVS: Code:Select all ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_erase());esp_err_tret = nvs_flash_init();if(ret == ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES || ret == ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION...
I'm trying to check whether the ESP has reset from an upgrade (USB or OTA) to reset my "reset_counter" variable which is stored in flash. I tried to detect that from the response from the function nvs_get(). If I get a "value not initialized" then it means I had a code upgrade...
1. Automatically remove the bonding information of the ESP32. 2. Re-initiate the pairing process without manual intervention. Specific Use Case: The goal is to create a BLE device where: 1. A user can long-press a button on the ESP32. ...
It happens while reading/writing i2c. what shall we do to find out the cause of restart? thanks many in advancetrustmiao Posts: 43 Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:16 am Re: how to debug while esp32 restart without providing informationby...
The ESP32 has a RTOS system that makes it somewhat of an issue to disable task switching (you can only do it up to a certain point). However, in contrast to an AVR, the ESP32 has a lot of versatile peripherals to do stuff in hardware, without the CPU actually having to actively ...
This concludes my introduction to VS Code and ESP-IDF. In my opinion, they make for a powerful combination of development tools, and, together, provide a comfortable and simplified development environment for ESP32 applications, regardless of the OS you're using. Using VS Code with ESP-IDF ...
To erase the ESP32 Flash Memory, you first need to install the ESP tool on your computer. Open the Windows Terminal or Command Prompt and type the following command. After that, hit Enter. py -3.13 -m pip install esptool In the above command, 3.13 indicates the version number of Python...
According to the description of fieldmax_connectionin"AP Basic Configuration": Currently, ESP32 Wi-Fi supports up to 10 Wi-Fi connections. If max_connection > 10, AP defaults the value to 10. It also described that APIesp_wifi_set_configcan be used to configure the AP. ...
Esp32c3 Version v2.0.11 IDE Name Arduino IDE Operating System Windows Flash frequency 40MHz PSRAM enabled yes Upload speed 115200 Description Because of some issue with deep sleep, GPIO wake up and internal resistors, I found the lines I want to change in ESP32 IDF. ...
How to install your ESP32 on Linux in a few simple, easy steps using the Arduino IDE and have code samples show up in the menus.