Be wary of Amazon’s policies when offering a refund or a discount coupon. Do not ask for a positive review and do not offer any incentives for a positive review. Amazon hasstrict policieswhen it comes to asking your customers for reviews or feedback. Violating these policies could lead to...
It’s no surprise that reviews are crucial to your sales on Amazon. People want to know if your product really is as good as you say, and they’re looking for other people to test it and pass the word along. Which is why Amazon experts encourage new sellers to get 25 reviews on the...
Discover effective strategies on how to get reviews on Amazon, boost your product's success, and navigate Amazon's guidelines for positive feedback.
Filter by Status: The ability to filter the results in the table based on status Updated Widgets: Shows important stats related to reviews (Time Saved, Request Sent, etc.) Jungle Scout subscribers can also take advantage of other multiple tools that enable you toget more Amazon reviews. ...
Related:5 Ways Private Label Sellers Can Get More Amazon Reviews Known Established Brands:At the opposite end of the spectrum are sellers who sell known brands, as opposed to your own label. While it may seem like working hard to get product reviews has no direct impact on you (i.e. why...
Reviews influence everything from Amazon search ranking to buyer confidence and conversion rates. Learn how to get Amazon reviews and sell more products.
the customer is right. Always offer a solution to the complaint. Most of the time, customers leave negative reviews because communication between seller and buyer does not go well. Be mindful that Amazon’s policy prides itself on great customer service, and we must offer that to the customer...
You can’t stop at getting customers to write reviews, however. Positive reviews are crucial, but you can’t neglect seller feedback. (Yes, there is a difference.) To make things more complicated, Amazon sellers must comply with strict guidelines on how, when, and what they may communicate...
Learn how to request reviews on Amazon, what you need to know about policies for communicating with buyers, and how to keep your account safe. Welcome!
Benefits of answering customer questions on Amazon If you’re wondering why it is important for sellers to respond to product questions, here’s a list of reasons: Adds value to your seller profile Answering customer questions on Amazon helps elevate your seller profile to a level where buyers...