Obtain a copy of the trademark opposition you intend to answer. When the opposition was filed, you should have been served with a copy of the filing by mail. Study the document to determine the other party's basis for contention. Make note of the assigned opposition number, which will be ...
The "not for the purpose of use" in "not for the purpose of use of malicious" means that the applicant, when applying for registration of the trademark, neither has the purpose of actually using the trademark, nor has the behavior of preparing to use the trademark, or based on reasonable...
What does it take to respond to a Patent Office Action? Since the probability is high (approximately 88%) that a utility nonprovisional patent application will be rejected at least once, the issue is not if, but when will your utility patent application be rejected. When that time comes, ...
Any party who believes it may be damaged by registration of the mark has 30 days from the publication date to file either an opposition to registration or a request to extend the time to oppose. If there is no opposition, then your trademark can be registered and the USPTO will send you...
unique. The Trademark Office takes any oppositions filed into consideration when performing the substantive examination. At the end of the substantive examination period, the MTO has to issue an office action, requesting applicants to respond to the oppositions (if any) and any obstacles for ...
The opposition is the process whereby members of the public or any interested third party may object to the grant of a trademark registration if they have valid grounds for doing so. The grounds of opposition may include issues such as the application is similar to a registered or pending mark...
they waste too much time filing trademark applications that have no chance of being approved by Canadian Intellectual Property Office.Small business owners make these three mistakes because they don’t know what they don’t know and because they are afraid to ask a lawyer due to less than stell...
Opposition proceedings (common in Europe) Litigation as a last resortThese strategies carry risks and should be carefully considered with legal counsel.Ongoing FTO MonitoringAn FTO search is not a one-time event. The patent landscape is constantly evolving, and ongoing monitoring is essential to main...
How long does the trademark registration process take? For a use-based application, then the shortest length of time to receive a registration would be approximately9-15 months, assuming no Office Actions and no oppositions. According to theUSPTO trademark dashboard, it can take 8-10 months to...
Most lawyers offer prospective clients a free consultation to answer their questions and determine if they're a good fit. However, some lawyers charge a nominal fee to protect their time and themselves should you choose another attorney, costing them the chance to represent your opposition. ...