TextField validation on the fly In this example, we show a custom error hint and disable the submit button if the text is empty or too short. If you wanted to implement this functionality in Flutter, how would you do it?People on StackOverflow seem to have many opinions about it, and ...
在Flutter 中,TextField 是一个用来输入 文本的 控件。使用起来也很简单,比如这样,就可以轻松实现一个 TextField 来接收用户的输入内容。 1234567 TextField(decoration:constInputDecoration(border:OutlineInputBorder(),labelText:'Contact Name',),) 但是Flutter 是声明式 UI 编程,我们无法像 Android 里那样拿到 T...
Visual indication in debug mode when Text in TextField isn't Center Align#35706 Open 👎2keep2iron and jesusmartinoza reacted with thumbs down emoji ️1mahmoud-eslami reacted with heart emoji 👎 ️ lockbotlocked and limited conversation to collaboratorsApr 25, 2020...
I have a multiline textfield and need to know the exact coordinates, since the position would give me the string position. anirudhagarwal365 changed the title How to get the coordinates of the cursor in a TextField How to get the coordinates(dx, dy) of the cursor in a TextField, not ...
I have a textfield and I want to know if the user presses the delete button on his keyboard (on screen not raw or external). I tried using onChanged property and it works fine when there's already some text in it. But when the textfield's empty with no text, how do I detect if...