恢复出厂设置需要提前备份手机里面的数据,如联系人、照片、文件等 1 在主屏幕中点击【设置】 2 点击【常规管理】 3 点击【重置】 4 点击【恢复出厂设置】 5 点击【重置】,如果需要密码,请输入锁屏密码 相关问题如何使用 S 换机助手从 iPhone 或 iPad 向新 Galaxy 设备传输数据 三星手机如何从旧手机导...
手機恢復出廠設置將會清除手機內部存放裝置中的全部資料,包括短訊、連絡人、應用程式等。因此,在您進行手機恢復出廠設置之前,請將Samsung手機中的資料進行備份,以免丟失(如何備份資料?)。為Samsung 手機備份後,請按以下步驟重設為原廠設定: 正常操作 1按一下【設定】 ...
Before doing a factory reset, we recommend deleting all the accounts on the device, specifically it is useful to unlink the Google account if you are going to sell, donate, or give away your S9. This will avoid problems for the new user, as some newer devices include a functionality calle...
Also, be careful and don’t forget to note down your Google or Samsung account ID and password if you’ve set up theFRP lock. Not doing so will not give you access to your device after you factory reset it. It is therefore recommended toturn off the FRP lock on your phone. If you...
Bypass Samsung Screen Unlock in minutes: Find and use the following 9 methods to Unlock Samsung Lock Screen without losing data.
However, if this has happened to you and you're wondering how to recover deleted photos on Samsung after factory reset without backup, you are at the right place. This article tells you how to bring back your lost data and retrieve it after factory reset on Samsung Galaxy S9/S8/S7. Our...
Learn more about your Samsung Galaxy S24 / Galaxy S24+ / Galaxy S24 Ultra (SM-S921U/SM-S926U/SM-S928U) Get support for Samsung Galaxy S24 / Galaxy S24+ / Galaxy S24 Ultra (SM-S921U/SM-S926U/SM-S928U) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, t
Samsung after Factory Reset without Backup How to Recover Deleted Samsung Notes After Factory Reset How to Recover Deleted Contact on My Samsung with Broken Screen How to Recover Recently Deleted Photos on Samsung Galaxy Note 9/20/10/8/7 How to Recover Deleted Camera Photos from Samsung Photo ...
Learn more about your Samsung Galaxy S9 / S9+ (G960U/G965U) Get support for Samsung Galaxy S9 / S9+ (G960U/G965U) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, troubleshooting, email, and more from AT&T
Contact the person you got the phone from and ask them to remove their accounts and reset the phone to factory settings. That's the only way you'll be able to get access to the phone. 2 Likes Reply BandOfBrothers Samsung Members Star ★★ 05-09-2024 05:41 AM Hi @Members_Ivf...