Check with your own bank to understand how long it takes to close your account with them. As your bank will need to check and process your request, it’s likely to take a week or so once your request has been received - and maybe longer if there are other issues to resolve or if y...
Whenever you want to use the facility of Internet banking, Phone banking or SMS alerts, it is mandatory to have your mobile number registered in your account with Indian Bank. You must also keep in your mind that your mobile number is up to date with the Indian Bank otherwise you will no...
On request, you can access non-financial transaction account statement You can also provide a request for Standing Instruction It is possible to apply for even cash withdrawal The personnel can come over to collect IT Challan/GST/Form 15H/Form 15G/Business and Government Tax The bank official ...
Following confirmation of the order, you need to quickly source or manufacture the goods intended for export. Ensure your goods meet the buyer's requirements and do quality control to ensure compliance and functionality. 3. Finance When completing the export order and transaction, you’re entitled...
We get emails time to time about how to open a brokerage account in Singapore. So we decided to do a quick, simple guide for those who need a little advice.
Moreover, if you are unable to furnish your PAN Card, the bank deducts TDS at a rate of 20% (for resident Indians). What is the exemption limit for TDS deduction on an FD? The exemption limit for TDS deduction on an FD depends on your age and total taxable income: ...
Have your friend send text to your email. Then keep the reply path. Duh buddy Terry Just answer the question and help someone out, no need to be rude. James Hi… I just tried to text message from my “gmail” via and it wouldn’t work … I am REAL sure that...
How to apply for an Indian visa from China Follow these steps to apply for an Indian visa: 1.Fill out the online visa application form:This can be done via the Indian government’sofficial visa portal. 2.Gather the required documents:Make sure all your documents are in order, including yo...
When you receive a message that says “Your payment method was declined” on your iPhone, it means that Apple has tried to charge your default payment method, such as a credit or debit card, but the transaction was not successful. One potential reason for this issue is that your card may...
2. Customer Notification: The payment gateway then informs the acquiring bank of the result. The merchant redirects the customer to display the transaction status: If Approved: The customer sees a confirmation message with their order details. ...