doi:10.13133/2532-6562/18632Krhmer, KarlTracce Urbane: Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani
The very first of the thousand steps, if you want to find something new, is to learn to live with uncertainty, and to learn to accept failure as the norm, because looking for the unknown is like being a trapeze...
The very first of the thousand steps, if you want to find something new, is to learn to live with uncertainty, and to learn to accept failure as the norm, because looking for the unknown is like being a trapeze artist who never works with a safety net. There's no guarantee when, or...
High-intent questions: for example, questions asking how to buy your product. Navigational questions: those addressing your site navigation, e.g., "How to login," "How to cancel," etc. Competitive research questions are those comparing your brand/product to your competitors. Reputational questions...
Do market research in 6 simple steps: Identify your target market, find out if the market is big enough, talk to your potential customers, and document.
HowtoWorkoutYourWorriesbyWriting Somethingtroublingyou?Youshouldwriteaboutit.Researchshowsthatpeoplewhowriteaboutadifficultsituationoftenshowimprovedmentalandphysicalhealth.(1)GItisaspecifictechnique,andit'sdifferentfromwritinginajournal.Theideaistoreflecthonestlyandthoughtfullyonaparticularchallenge.Hundredsofstudiesover...
To get in touch with you directly (e.g. to find a customer service number or a store address they can go to) To learn how to do something (a task, an action) with one of your products To buy something from your site If you treat all visitors the same or make assumptions about wh...
Suppose your research project involves travelling halfway around the world to conduct a field investigation. The question you must be asking yourself is: can I afford that much time and money? If not, then no matter how brilliant your idea is, you need to think of something else. Save this...
How to conduct lean market research in 4 steps The following four steps and practical examples will give you a solid market research plan for understanding who your users are and what they want from a company like yours. 1. Create simple user personas ...
Then how can you find something you like to do?2 Some hobbies, such as albums and gardening, can take up a lot of time. Other hobbies, such as video games or reading, can be done at your own pace and do not require any extended time.Research the hobby or activity you would like ...