Research your idea and make sure that it is one that is eligible for patenting under established patent law. As discussed above, you can patent inventions, designs, and even some plants as long as your invention is: It is important to note here that abstract ideas and natural phenomena canno...
to know how results will benefit them, and they want to be able to determine how research results will be disseminated. 联合国教科文组织章程包括着永久性地保护语言的多样性是其基本原则的内容: 联合国教科文组织章程第一款就确定了: 为了全世界人民的利益——不论种族、性别、语言、...
After your patent application had been submitted, though, you do not have to waste time waiting around for your product's patent to be approved. You can immediately label your invention aspatent pendingand start marketing it as such, but be warned that if your patent is ultimately rejected, ...
You don't have to pass the bar exam or become a patent attorney to knowhow to patent an idea. Learn to answer these three questions and you will be well on your way to identifying your inventions, using legal research to create a plan, and turning your inventions into your income. 1....
Next, roll up your sleeves for some research. A patent search is your way of checking if someone else has already beaten you to it. You can look up existing patents for free using this Australian government patent search tool. Lastly, keep in mind that ideas that are abstract or too gene...
Prepare to explain how your invention is better than or different from the ones that came before it. Is Your Idea Fully Developed? You can't patent ideas; you can only patent inventions. However, you don't need a fully functioning prototype before you can say that you have an invention....
A patent is a way to claim ownership of your invention. It gives you the right to stop others from copying, selling, or using your creation without your permission. But why go through all the trouble? Protection: A patent can keep copycats at bay and give you peace of mind. Financial ...
Maybe,everyone wants to be an inventor like Edison.But before we realize the dream, we should think about how to let our dreams come true? In my opinion,studying hard is the most important, because it is the foundation.And as an old going says,interest is the best teacher.Of...
Step 1: Document everything.You must be able to show the patent office how your invention works. Patent applications must be very detailed. If you discuss your ideas with other people, record your conversations and sign and date your entries. If you can, have a witness sign as well. And...
our team of patent and marketing experts have been helping inventors turn ideas into profit for over twenty five years. With our strategic approach to North American and Worldwide Patents, we can provide the solutions you need to manifest your marketable vision. Our extensive service range includes...