Once you leave an educational institution, you may need to request your transcript, or academic records, from the school. Whether it's for additional education, a scholarship or a job, it's important to know how to obtain these records. You will need to contact your college's registrar's ...
How you obtain and send your high school transcript varies from school to school and also depends on whether or not you currently attend that school.Below are three situations; follow the guidelines of the one that best describes you to learn how to request and receive your high school transcr...
your counselor can upload documents, like the secondary school report and school transcript. Your Naviance account and all the documents it collects, including your recommendation letters, willsync up to your Common Application and any other school applications that accept e-docs...
Before you request your records, find out if the institution requesting them requires an official or unofficial transcript. Graduate programs and some employers require official transcripts. Official transcripts are provided by the college and are generally sealed and sent directly to the graduate school...