questionAsk how to do something or how something works on Jul 27, 2020 Great question! This still needs documenting. tl;dr version: Option 1: Pass a pre-regenerated Private Key (and, optionally a Public Key) in thejwtoptions. jwt:{signingKey:process.env.JWT_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY,// You ca...
If you have a more complex case to scrape, then you can use Octoparse’s custom scraping interface. In the interface, you can build your own automated workflow (scraping rules) the way you navigate the website. All of these are done by point and click and no code is involved thanks to...
For customers requesting information to find an Oracle Partner in their location, please request they perform a search at the Oracle Partner Network website: In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support ...
After adding the extensions to usr_cert , specify the the same extension also to the v3_req section, As this section will have the extension that the certificate request should have After doing the above modifications to the openssl.cnf , create a csr. Raw #umask 77;openssl req -config /...
This file doesn't demonstrate an attack, but shows the nature of glibc's allocator.glibc uses a first-fit algorithm to select a free chunk.If a chunk is free and large enough,malloc will selectthischunk.This can be exploitedina use-after-free situation.Allocating2buffers.They can be large...
How do I reset my password: Alright so, I wanna get my password back but the Account Recovery Request doesn't work well since if you tried to take a guess its gonna be unabled to verify. Using the code thingy doesn't work since it uses my old number. Please tell me how to get ...
Create a Change Request Ticket (e.g. GitHub Issue, etc) Prioritize the Ticket Assign the Ticket Create a Draft Change (e.g. GitHub Pull Request, etc) Create a New SBOM (e.g. with Syft) Scan the New SBOM (e.g. with Grype) ...
this tutorial is wrong. Tested on STM32L010F4P6. To use the function HAL_RTCEx_BKUPWrite(&hrtc, RTC_BKP_DR1, 0xBEBE); no need to call HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess(); or HAL_PWR_DisableBkUpAccess();. Actually, if the HAL_PWR_DisableBkUpAccess(); function is used, it is not possi...
An API is a mediator between the client and the server, which is in charge of database operations. Having received a valid request, API makes a call to the web server. It in turn sends a response to the API with the requested information. Finally, the API transfers the data to the...
You did not understand my feature return request. I used to go to Places, it would show on a map of the world where my photos were taken, and I would zoom in to the one I wanted or the area I wanted to see Just tap on "Map" in "Pinned Collections". Easy peasy. B bpb...