It’s also crucial to not just accept the first offer. If you feel you need time to think about it, don’t be afraid to say so. Schedule another meeting in a few days’ time and return with a confident counteroffer when you’re ready. 3) Prepare some solid questions Show that you...
After submitting your formal time-off request, offer to meet with your manager to discuss it further. While you’re generally not required to do so, going the extra mile to provide support shows you care about your work. In the meeting, ask your boss what you could do before your departu...
If you’re keen to retain the employee, you may then ask if there is something that you can do to change their mind – and possibly request a meeting to discuss this. If this is not the case, it’s still a good idea to arrange a meeting to discuss the terms of the resignation, s...
it can help to set expectations and encourage employees to “turn off work” by a certain time each day. If an email request happens to be sent during a time when an employee should be “off duty,” instill the habit of noting when something isn’t...
Request for informationon the next steps And remember to attach your cover letter and resume! Should you send a resume by email? The answer is 100% yes. Sure, in many cases, you can submit your resume through an online form, so why should you send your resume by email?
Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR): How To Join A Meeting This video demonstrates the Microsoft Teams Rooms (formerly Skype Room Systems) How to Join a Meeting on the ThinkSmart Hub 500 (10V5, 10V6) Microsoft Teams Rooms is also supported on: ...
Timing is everything.Don’t ever catch them by surprise. Schedule a meeting with them via email or in-person. That way, they’ll both have a chance to reflect on your recent performance. Consider more than money.If the company isn’t able to boost your pay, then consider asking for no...
Create meeting transcripts and summaries with ChatGPT from audio files Try it Dropbox, ChatGPT, Slack Dropbox + ChatGPT + Slack More details Sales Determining which leads are most likely to convert can take up a lot of time and resources for Zapier's sales teams. That's why AI is used...
Set up a face-to-face meeting or live call with your manager (yes, it’s OK if it’s virtual). You might be leaving your current position because of your manager relationship. Or you might be really grateful for your current people leader. But ultimately, you’ve decided there are bett...
How to write a personal profile step-by-step. Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here. Create ...