**The Project tool in ArcToolbox was updated at ArcGIS 9.2 to support annotation; therefore, the steps below are no longer applicable in ArcGIS 9.2 or later versions.** Instructions provided describe how to use the Geoprocessing toolbox to reproject geodatabase annotation to a different projected...
When you try and reproject a dataset in ArcGIS (for example, by using theProject Rastertool) you will see a dialog a bit like the one below: The highlighted field wants you to specific aGeographic Tranformation. Although it says that it is optional, it often isn’t (I think the optiona...
GOES-16 is a geostationary satellite and the data is given in a geostationary projection. I'm ultimately trying to get the latitude and longitude of each pixel in GOES-16 satellite data, and then reproject the data on other maps with Lambert Conformal Conic or Equidistant Cylindrical projections...
The first step is to get the GeoTIFF’s projection information and use that to reproject our desired coordinate(s) into the raster’s coordinate system. A large part of what makes a GeoTIFF a geospatial raster, instead of a regular TIFF image, is the use of GeoKeys (pe...
I went back to the older scripting and was able to make it work with your guidance. Thank you very much. I realize what you did a few posts earlier in changing the linestring z geometry so that it is not flat. I like the way this turned out, except the contour lines I have made...
Solved: I'm having trouble getting a WMS layer from my Geoserver to display in my ArcGIS test application. I'm just learning the ArcGIS Javascript API. For my test