Also, you may simply want toprunerosemary to reduce the size of the plant or to make your existing plant more productive next year. My rosemary has quite a bit of older growth on it, so I want to prune it now so that the time I have left will give me some fresher tips touse in ...
Rosemary is a pretty easy going plant that can be left to just grow most of the time. But older plants can get a bit woody and mangy looking. If yours is like this, these forpruning rosemarywill help. Older plants will get quite “woody” but still produce fragrant sprigs. Careful pru...
Of course, the primary way to protect plants from frosts is to cover them with a blanket or row cover. This material traps the heat to keep plants warmer. It’s worth the time to cover your crops because sometimes an early freeze is a freak incident, and there are many days of great ...
Devoted herb grower Andrea Ballanti fromYour Indoor Herbs and Gardenexplains, “pungent aromas like mint and rosemary repels ants by masking the scent trail they release to trace food (basil leaves).” 5. Disease Poor growing conditions, such as soggy soil due to overwatering, can cause root ...
Wipe affected leaves with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to tackle mealy bugs (they resemble a mass of white cotton wool on leaf undersides). Alternatively, tackle all insects with a homemade miticide spray of 1 liter water with 3 teaspoons rosemary oil. ...
Once the seedlings are a good enough size and big enough to outgrow a tray, we will repot them and give them some liquid feed, using half-strength seaweed feed. Note: You can start with a bigger container if you wish to avoid repotting; bigger pots take more potting mix to fill, but...
Growing your own herbsis an ideal option for the kitchen and will come in handy whenever you need fresh basil or rosemary for your homemade cuisine. All you need are a few glass mason jars, potting soil, small stones for drainage, and a wooden crate tocreate your garden. And bonus: It...
Plants with a Mediterranean touch: Incorporate a few plants that are characteristic of Mediterranean gardens, such as rosemary, thyme, or sage. These aromatic herbs can be grown in the ground or in terracotta pots, adding both fragrance and a Mediterranean aesthetic to your garden. Another option...
I wasn’t exactly good about eating my lettuce last year, after a few weeks of neglect the plants began to flower and eventually created some seeds. At
Herbs: The options are truly endless when it comes to an indoor herb garden. Consider basil, rosemary, thyme and mint to add the homegrown touch of fresh herbs to your favorite meals. Aloe vera: While not necessary for a chef, this is a great plant to have on hand for any accidental ...