These seasons provide the perfect opportunity for your orchids to rejuvenate, store energy, and prepare for their next grand display of beautiful blooms, which is why they’re also great times torepot your orchids. Pro Tip:As a general rule,you should repot your orchid every one to three yea...
As soon as the flowers wilt and begin to drop off the stem (called a “spike”), it can be cut. Prune the spike off at the base, being careful not to accidentally snip any leaves or roots as well. Phalaenopsis orchids are an exception: they will often produce more flowers from the ...
Orchids are elegant plants that bear long flower stalks and stacks of blooms. If the orchid is 1 to 2 years old, repot regardless of growing or blooming habits. Prepare a new pot in advance. Choose a pot that has a drainage hole and is one size larger than the orchid's old pot. Fi...
Meeting an orchid's temperature requirements is the hardest aspect for home growers to control. When learning how to take care of orchids, it's best to choose a species compatible with your location and the room you want to position it. Orchids are not all alike when it comes to preferred...
Because this genus spans sea level to the high Andes, sweeping statements do not apply to all. Slight variations in care based on each species’ origins make this one of the more challenging orchids for beginners; ask your garden center for recommendations. ...
This plant requires minimal maintenance beyond repotting every one to two years. If your environment is right, you shouldn’t have a terrible amount of maintenance with this plant. You can repot it every one to two years to give it space to spread but remember only to size up a little ...
You can repot in a larger pot, but at this point I recommend you opt for a terracotta pot. This will be heavy enough, so the plant won’t destabilize it, but it has another important advantage — it absorbs moisture better and quicker compared to plastic pots, helping the potting medium...
Plant in spacious containers with support to climb. These plants make good container plants as long as they have room for their roots to spread out. These plants do not like to have their roots disturbed once they are established, soit’s best not to repot them. Choosea container that has...
withorchidsbecause they like the same conditions. You can also find glass or plastic globes made specifically for hanging them. For varieties that have colorful leaves, such asTillandsia aeranthos‘Amethyst’, also called the rosy air plant, try using a container that complements or contrasts with...
Prune if necessary. If the plant has grown leggy or has any dead or damaged branches, this is a good time to prune them. Trim back about one-third of the plant to encourage new growth and a bushier shape. Repot the bougainvillea. Place the plant in the new pot, ensuring it sits at...