How To Repot A Money Tree Houseplant Repotting: Arrowhead Plant What To Know About Planting Aloe Vera In Containers Repotting Snake Plants: The Mix To Use & How To Do It Transplanting My Dracaena Marginata With Its Cuttings How to Plant & Water Succulents In Pots Without Drain Holes...
How to Plant a Money Tree Plant Your initial money tree plant will most likely come from a nursery. When you bring the plant home, you should repot it. The plants are normally grown in pots, which are too small for them, to ensure they stay small while being sold. You may notice the...
There are three different kinds of plants commonly referred to as "money tree" plants. The one most commonly grown as a houseplant is the Pachira aquatica. Often called the "Chinese Money Tree," it features a braided trunk and large, graceful leaves. Young money tree plants have bright gree...
Braided money tree plants are symbols of good luck. These trees are 1 to 7 feet tall and are created by braiding the trunks of three to five plants together. The green leaves on top represent coins and the braided trunks lock the money in place. This plant is given as a gift to celeb...
The Healthy Houseplant offers detailed, specific, and approachable answers to questions about your favorite indoor plants. We trawl the web for the questions that everyone’s asking about houseplants; then we give you the answers. It’s as simple as that
How to Start a Jade Plant from a Leaf or Stem-Cutting As a succulent, jade plants are veryeasy to start from single leaves or cuttings. A stem cutting is a great method when a branch of your jade plant happens to fall off. Just put that cutting in the soil, and you have a new ...
Aerial Roots: If you see excessive aerial roots sprouting from the top of the plant, it’s a signal that it’s time to repot. What’s considered excessive? “More than a few or ones that have grown very long,” says Tarte. Time Since Last Repotting:“For orchids potted in bark or...
Money trees can thrive indoors with proper care. Learn to take care of a money tree, from the best lighting conditions to the right soil and watering schedule.
Repot to promote growth Repotting your plant can also help it thrive and grow. “Ideally, this should be done around once a year (except for palms which don’t like to be repotted too often),” says Mak. “The general rule is to do this for late winter/spring maintenance. If a ...
Hello Poinsettia! Your plant should begin to come back to life around April or May. You can opt to repot it at this point if necessary, giving it some more space and replacing the low-quality soil they’re often sold in. A general houseplant potting mix is perfectly suitable here. ...