Look into whether employees can speak to HR in confidence. Your Office Coach cautions that HR may share everything in your complaint with your boss, depending on company policies and procedures. If HR asks you to explain your concerns, decide whether you feel comfortable doing so. If you deci...
First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answe...
龙女士·HR 长沙 ·雨花区 ·井湾子 招生顾问(无责底薪+高提成) 7-12K 经验不限 学历不限 梁女士·人事主管 广州 ·海珠区 ·凤阳 英语老师 7-12K 经验不限 本科 柴先生·hr 杭州 ·滨江区 ·长河 大学在线英语讲师+办公地点灵活 15-20K 1-3年 本科 吴女士·区域总监 杭州 全职英语口语老师(急招)...
Find a photo that represents your work:it can be an actual photo of you working, but it might also show your office, the services you offer, the city you live in, or something connected to your industry. If you’re not good at taking shots, you can use an attribution-free image from...
2.晋升空间:招生顾问—市场主管—市场总监—中心校长 3.员工福利:生日Party、团建活动、年度体检、出游奖励,新与心的交际圈子 4.婚假、产假、哺乳假、法定假日、带薪病假、带薪年假等,劳逸结合福利多多 上班时间: 下午13:00-21:00 晚饭1小时自由安排 周一休息 国家法定节假日休息 7天带薪暑假 15天带薪寒假 带薪病...
Plus, if you have already tried to directly resolve the issue with your coworker, and addressing the issue with them has not led to any change in the situation, then your boss may need to get involved. Also, if your whole team is suffering as a result of one employee’s act...
Don’t tell coworkers you’re quittingbefore you tell your boss. And saying, “Don’t tell anyone I told you,” doesn’t work. Why not? Because they’ll tell that toeveryone they tell. And soon everyone will know. So— Mum’s the word until you’ve had “the talk.” ...
To help your boss have confidence in you, focus on establishing these work habits: Never miss a deadline. If the report is due on Tuesday afternoon, plan to deliver it on Tuesday morning. Always aim to exceed your boss’s expectations. And while you’re at it, exceed the expectations of...
HR Audit. No one likes to hear that word – audit. Review. Evaluation. Analysis. No matter what word you use, negative thoughts start to fill your head. We challenge you, however, to look at this event as a chance to review and renew. A properly conducted HR Audit can (and shoul...
Your work history section is the most important part of your resume. Find out how to properly describe your work experience on a resume.