Prepare your exit questions involving benefits, health insurance (COBRA), final paycheck, and more, in advance so you don't forget anything important. Schedule a quick meeting with the HR department to make sure you have answers to all of your end-of-employment questions.3 Be sure to ask y...
When you ask your boss for more personnel, approach the topic with a problem-solution mindset. You're not complaining -- you're presenting a need and have thought through potential personnel solutions. According to "Forbes," you don't want your boss to think that you're just looking for ...
Look into whether employees can speak to HR in confidence. Your Office Coach cautions that HR may share everything in your complaint with your boss, depending on company policies and procedures. If HR asks you to explain your concerns, decide whether you feel comfortable doing so. If you deci...
time, names of any witnesses, where the harassment occurred, and details about what happened. Indicate whether the harassment is verbal, non-verbal or written. Go over your boss' head and report the behavior to his direct supervisor or to the company's human resources ...
Below is a simple template to follow when crafting a vacation request email to your boss. Feel free to customize it as you see fit. Subject Line:Time-Off Request: (Your name) - (Date) Dear (The manager or HR personnel's name), ...
Left-align your writing. Stick to one page. You’ve said enough during your exit interview. You informed your boss and HR, but what about your team members? Write a goodbye email to your coworkers, too, to end things on a positive note. Who knows, maybe you’ll work together in the...
龚女士·HR人力资源-人力专员 长沙 ·开福区 ·湘江世纪城 少儿口才老师 3-8K 1-3年 本科 封女士·人力资源 南宁 1 234 ... 12 市场专员 6-12K 南宁 经验不限 大专 感兴趣 立即沟通 职位描述: 市场 岗位职责: 1. 根据市场招生计划,完成招生目标; 2. 协助主管做好各项业务工作,服从管理安排; 3. ...
Finally, if your emails will be read by others (such as a higher-up boss or an HR team), you should consider what you write and how you write it. 3. How to address your boss in an email When addressing your boss in an email, you have several options: ...
If possible, work with your boss to develop an agreeable leave of absence plan. Keep track of relevant paperwork related to your leave of absence. Here's what you need to know about asking for a leave of absence. READ: Paid Family Leave: Everything You Need to Know. ...
BOSS 安全提示 BOSS直聘严禁用人单位和招聘者用户做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押求职者证件、收取求职者财物、向求职者集资、让求职者入股、诱导求职者异地入职、异地参加培训、违法违规使用求职者简历等。 若发布的职位存在传播色情低俗等恶意内容的情况,请立即举报 ...