'Priority 1' reportable incidents include thosethat cause or could reasonably have been expected to have caused physical or psychological injury or discomfort requiring some form of medicalor psychological treatment, or where there are reasonable grounds to report the incident to police. How do you e...
lawyer, counselor or faith leader. Children should be encouraged to speak to a teacher, coach, activity leader or trusted family friend. In a workplace, talk to your boss or a human resources professional. Give the individual permission to share your information if they are contacted by the ...
Violence in the workplace should never be taken lightly. Whether it comes from an outside source, a fellow employee or even a superior, all incidents need to be reported immediately. There are laws in place to protect you and that require employers to provide you with a safe and healthful ...
use it to document your complaint. If this form isn’t available, create your own form. Start your report with the date, time and place that the incident incurred. Write the names of everyone who was present at the time. This information is very ...
But since incidents do happen, it’s never a bad idea to be prepared for any situation–especially the unexpected. Small business owners, human resources teams and workplace emergency first responders: this is the article for you! In this step-by-step guide, I’ll share our top tips oncre...
I had a great job in a small company that many people would have liked to work for. I had constant raises, praise from staff and clients, and engaged in professional development in night school to better myself and the company. After a series of incidents with a particular bully, I walk...
Jump to a section: TIPS FOR PREVENTION Picture discrimination in the workplace. Likely you imagined different pay scales between men and women or a lack of career mobility for a racialized employee. While these examples may be common, it's not always this obvious or straightforward. ...
Workplace harassment is a serious issue with a lot of gray areas. If you witness a crime or experience harassment in the workplace, it is your obligation to report it. If you’re worried about losing your job in retaliation, remember that you’re protected by workplace harassment laws. ...
Falls from ladders, scaffolding, and other elevated surfaces are among the most dangerous workplace accidents, particularly in the construction industry. These incidents can lead to severe injuries or even death. To prevent falls from heights, it’s essential to ensure all ladders, scaffolding, and...
A workplace investigation might be required in response to a complaint of harassment or discrimination, a safety issue or accident in the workplace, a serious violation of company policies and procedures or criminal activity such as theft or vandalism. Inquiries made during a workplace investigation...