Dial 3-1-1to report landlord violations to the city authority for code enforcement. A complaint filed with about a maintenance problem provides a record that the landlord has not done what he or she is required by law to do, which is to provide you with a safe and habitable housing. Use...
IC3’s mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The IC3 gives the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil viola...
I would reach out to your local housing authority to report the situation and any code violations. If your safety is threatened, I suggest contacting your police department. It might be time to find a new housing solution, but make sure to document all your interactions with your landlord ...
violations within industry sectors, including financial misconduct and cheating in the banking and financial sector, doping in elite sport, abuse in church organizations, and sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry. Scholars have noted that untrustworthy and unethical behavior appears to thrive ...
Elise Jordan: Exactly. Well, what I find funny about John Kerry and the Department of Justice wouldn’t prosecute John Kerry for violations of the Logan Act, which is what Trump wanted for accusing John Kerry of still talking to Iranian officials about the nuclear deal. Donald Trump has prob...
No More Kids! How Overcrowded Schools May Lead to Violations of Fair Housing LawsThe FHA, the FEHA, and the Unruh Act all contain standards specifying whether a housing development qualifies as "housing for older persons" and whether its owner may discriminate based on age and familial stat...
Since 1980, the United Nations has endorsed the World Population and Housing Census Programme. All UN member nations conduct censuses and report the information to a central agency. The information is collected every 10 years, though it can take several years for all the nations to conduct their...
payment history, how they treated the property, and if there were any lease violations. Ask if the landlord would rent to the tenant again, as this is a strong indicator of their reliability. Previous landlords can also provide information on any disputes or legal actions related to the ...
What Are Penalties for Fair Housing Act Violations? Plaintiffs can be awarded compensatory damages to cover costs and attorney fees, as well as non-economic damages for emotional distress. Punitive damages are also possible. Civil penalties vary based on the offense's nature and frequency, starting...
Enforcement Procedures for RESPA Violations Criticisms of RESPA FAQs The Bottom Line By James Chen Updated March 28, 2024 Reviewed by Somer Anderson Part of the Series Guide to U.S. Housing Laws What Is the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)?