If credit cards or bank accounts were involved, write down your account numbers and have those handy. You may want to contact the bank or credit card company to alert them that you were a victim of fraud. However, keep in mind that they often want a police report before they'll take a...
Mail your letter to the Social Security OIG Hotline. If you prefer to report the alleged crime online, complete the Fraud Reporting form. Answer any inquiries that the Social Security OIG may have pertaining to the potential fraud. Generally, after the Social Security OIG receives your complaint...
For example, if an identity thief stole your credit card information and used it forcredit card fraud, the FTC will provide you with a road map for disputing the fraudulent purchases. The FTC will also provide you with pre-filled forms and letters to report identity theft quickly and easily ...
Move up to the state level: Use the State Consumer Protection Office webpage, find the state you live in, and file your complaint. 3. Federal Agencies If the scam is severe, report it at the federal level. Details and links to the relevant federal agencies are listed below: Fraud & int...
Report the fraud to the local police department. Credit card fraud is a crime. While the company investigates the crime, police involvement is necessary to capture the culprit and press charges. Step 3 Hire a lawyer. The police and credit card company are involved in finding the culprit. Onc...
Contact your local police department. Call or visit your local police station and ask to speak to the fraud department to file an official report of identity theft. You may need to be persistent in order to get someone to take your statement. Clarify the next steps. Document your visit, ...
forums instead of a customer service department. From there, we realized that consumers still needed more detailed help solving the most common problems, so we expanded to this set of guides, which grows every day. And if you spot any issues with our How Do I Report Fraud or Scam to ...
reportwith law enforcement for various reasons. For example, domestic disputes, traffic accidents, burglaries, home invasions, fraud, theft,stalking, violence, and other reasons. To file a report, citizens usually call 911 or their local police department’s non-emergency line to report the ...
if an identity thief makes a purchase from your business with a stolen or fraudulent credit card, the victim will generally be recompensated by the credit card company — who may then attempt to claw the money back from your company, a dynamic exploited under the name of “friendly ...
What To Do Next & How to Report Fraud If you suspect someone has filed a fraudulent tax return in your name, here’s what to do: 1. Report the tax fraud to the IRS If someone committed tax fraud in your name, the IRS will eventually identify this discrepancy. If you report the frau...