Quote 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Reply to this topic...Go to topic listing Home How do I respond to "Are you okay?" question that leads to fights daily All Activity L...
Moreover, a sincere reply is easy to maintain in the long run. Inauthenticity can be draining because you're always performing instead of just being yourself. In the long term, it's much easier to maintain a facade of lies and exaggerations. Your reply to "I can't wait to see you" ...
If your best friend picks up your kids from school because you and your partner both have to work late, the best friend may reply with “no problem” because they want to help. If your partner sneezes, your reply may consist of silence because of a mutual understanding. If you constantly...
to you. He/she is supposed to come back home later today. In the above context, are all of the following replies appropriate/natural? If there are generational or other preferences, please let me know about them as well. 1. Okay, see you! 2. Okay, see you later! 3. Okay, see ...
Remember, no one likes ashow-offor aknow-it-all. Therefore, here are some tips on how to reply to a compliment at work. Stay gracious and humble It’s important to stay gracious and humble after you’ve received a compliment. I’ve had the distinct displeasure of working with people ...
Then, when that starts to feel okay, and you give yourself permission to be complimented, you can try these responses: Nice Reply to a Compliment About Your Clothing Example Compliment: I like your top. Response: Thanks, it was a gift. I really like it too. Compliment: I like your top...
Response:“No prob, I’m cool with keeping things casual between us. Let me know if you ever want to grab food or chill as friends, no strings attached!” Also Read: http://mrsandthemisc.com/2023/12/07/how-to-reply-to-i-have-a-crush-on-you-30-fl...
How To Reply When Someone Asks How Are You In Thai Okay, now we know how to say‘how are you’ in Thai, but how do we reply? It is actually very simple – you just say the exact phrase back to them but remove themǎy(ไหม) so that it is no longer a question: ...
If you do not see the correction to this current bill within 24-48 hours, please reply back to this email and I’ll be sure to look into it further. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Best, [Your Name] What I like: Addressing billing com...
Okay, let's fix your translating habit if you have one. 好,如果你有翻译习惯,让我们来改变你的翻译习惯。 Just to be clear, translation is not always bad, right? 需要明确的是,翻译并不总是不好的,对吧? It gets a bad reputation, but translation sometimes is good. 很多人说这个习惯不好,但...