If you have a 95-percent-efficient furnace installed to replace your 75-percent model, you should save about 20 cents per gas-heating dollar or about $146 over the course of one year. Since super-high-efficiency furnaces cost about $1,000 more than the standard units, it would take almos...
First Aid for the Ailing House: How not to use a soffit ventQ: I have four bathroom exhaust fans and one in my kitchen forventing the range hood/microwave...Henri de Marne
frame-mounted fan in an exterior doorway to the house. Any known openings to the outside, such as the fireplace flue; bathroom vent fans; and the flues to the water heater, furnace, or boiler are temporarily sealed.
It is composed of particles of cellulose, fiberglass, or stone wool. Usually blown or dumped into finished wall cavities, attic floors, or difficult to reach places. Tends to settle over time so can create cold spots in vertical applications. The R-value tends to increase with compression. We...