Technically, the chain isn't stretching, but rather the pins that join the links are wearing down, which causes the length of the chain to grow. A stretched chain expedites wear on your bike's cassette and chainrings, so it's a good idea to replace your chain when you notice significan...
to reconnect the chain. Just don’t drive it out completely (the mushroomed end of the pin gets rounded off upon removal); leave it in one side plate. The connection will be weak and the chain will be shorter, so pedal home gingerly and replace the damaged chain before your next ride....
An old, worn bike chain might feel fine when you’re riding, but can wear down your whole drivetrain, leaving you with a much more expensive problem down the road. So we’ve broken down how to maintain your bike’s chain, as well as how to repair, or replace it. Types of Bike ...
When to Replace Your Road Bike Tires Lack of tread Cuts or gashes Squaring-off of the tire profile (wear) Damage to casing Embedded wire, glass or other debris What to Do with Old Bike Tires? If you’re not wanting to have a black signal-fire running in your backyard, many bike shops...
In addition to being able to break the chain, it would also be handy to have an extra section of the chain you have on your bike to replace the broken or bent section. However, this isn’t totally necessary. Learn more in the step-by-step instructions below. ...
Currently renovating a child's bike. It has 24 inch wheels and is a suitable size for a 7-10 year old. Anyway it has grip shifters. it is a six speed with three chain rings on the front derailleur. On the rear derailleur the shifter does not appear to move the gear cable at all...
To replace your mountain bike chain, here are the steps that you need to carry out a successful mountain bike installation: Position the Bike The first step in the process of replacing mountain bike chain is positioning the bike. You can do that with a bike stand. This measure will help ...
is to push the chain pin far enough so that it is gets about halfway through the first of the two outer chain plates. If the chain pin gets pushed all the way out of the chain there is really no way to get it back in, and you’ll be forced to shorten or replace your chain. ...
Here’s how the two systems differ: a cassette is a series of gears that slides onto a freewheel unit. This is a better system because it allows you to replace worn sprockets without having to replace the freewheeling component (freehub body). A freewheel on the other hand, contains bot...
My wife's road bike has Shimano Sora shifters with a triple front derailleur (stock). The thumb switch on the front shifter is VERY hard to use and she can't do it when she's riding. I did a full adjustment of the front derailleur but it didn't change anything. One thing that I...