When you recognize that simple fact about life, it forces you to take a helicopter view. You need to elevate your perspective on your life. When you’re stuck in a negative thought cycle, you have zero perspective. You’re consumed by your thoughts. You need to force yourself to look at...
5.A 后面的“Having a positive atttude to school"中的 postive 与A项中的 positive 是同一词,同时结合下文的“replace the negativethoughts with more positive ones"可知选 A难句分析原文 It's also important to take care of yourself so that you can feelyour best and have all the energy you ...
In Amanda’s case, we used the exercise above for about two weeks until she started to internalize the process. When Amanda learned how to catch and respond to her negative thoughts in the moment, she was able to look at the problem she was facing objectively and get creative about...
Our brains are designed to continually rewire themselves throughout their lifetime.我们的大脑,终其一生,都时刻具有重新建立连接(重新“编程”)的能力。Twelve We can re-program our negative thoughts and replace them with more positive programs.我们可以重新编写大脑中的“程序”,用积极的“程序”替换掉...
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.While this may be difficult in the beginning, it's an important part of accepting your body. As soon as you notice yourself starting to have a negative thought, replace it with something positive about yo...
Replacenegative thoughts with positive ones. When you compare yourself with others, you may viewyourself negatively. If you have negative thoughts about yourself, tellyourself to change those thoughts into something about yourself that you areproud of. ...
Let’s face it, there are going to be those days when it seems as though nothing is going your way. The worst thing you could do is to allow those things that go wrong define you as a person. We all have it within us to fight off the negative thoughts that try to tear us and ...
One of the most important goals for you and for everyone should to learn how to stop thinking negative thoughts. “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” –Willie Nelson “Make the decision and say, ‘I’m not letting that worry in....
And hence, you can do something to boost your mood and replace the negative thoughts. First, use positive self-talk to stop negative thinking. Rather than thinking to yourself, “No one likes me.”, stop, and ask, “Why do I think that?” Constantly thinking to yourself, “I’m in ...
In other words, the things you repeat in your head have the power to shape your identity and your confidence around dealing with situations that scare you. Action Step: Replace negative thoughts about socializing with positive beliefs about your social abilities. Whether you say it out loud or ...