If you have owned the item for more than 7 days, it will be deemed used and we will not return or replace any item to you. No exceptions! The freight shall be borne by the buyer. 2. All returned items must be in their original packaging and you must provide us with the shipping ...
As with most outdoor gear, the “best” depends on your environment, your budget, and your personal inclinations. That said, there are many excellent backpacking stoves. In order to get to the bottom of what may be the best for you, we have compiled a comprehensive guide that gets to th...
Zippo's are great and I always carry my 45 year old stainless steel model, but if your life is going to depend on lighting a fire, I'd strongly suggest a magnesium bar with a built in flint and striker. Zippo's run dry, are susceptible to getting wet, need tinder and rarely, the...
How to Refill a Zippo, Replace a Wick, and Change a Flint How toFlick a Bic Lighter How to Refill Your Butane Lighter Quickly & Easily How to Fill a Lighter, No Matter What Type It Is How toUse a Lighter How to Fix Common Lighter Problems How toDispose of Lighters How toFlick a ...