6 Simple Tips to Keep Your Car Humming Presented by Castrol How Often Should You Change Synthetic Oil? Presented by Castrol How to Jump-Start Your Car Presented by Castrol How to Charge a Car Battery Presented by Castrol How to Replace a Broken Headlight ...
Tighten the pan-to-engine block bolts to 132 inch-pounds. Start at the center bolts and work your way outward, tightening the bolts evenly in three to four steps each. Tighten the pan-to-bellhousing bolts to 33 foot-pounds. Step 5 Re-connect the splash shields and oil dipstick, then l...
Replace it gently, so as not to force fluid back up the dipstick tube and so give a false reading. Withdraw it immediately and check the level. Check the fluid on the dipstick for specks of dirt or metal — both indicate wear. If there are any, get expert advice as soon as possible...
Step 6:Once all bolts are removed, the pan can be dropped. If necessary, tap it lightly with a mallet to break the seal. Step 7:Scrape off any gasket residue and clean all sealing surfaces thoroughly with a solvent. Also clean the inside of the oil pan and inspect it for cracks. T...
Remove the transmission dipstick tube and dipstick using the appropriate socket. Unbolt the wiring harness grounds near the top of the transmission, using the appropriate socket. Remove the upper transmission bolts using the appropriate socket.
so check your owner’s manual to ensure that you get the correct type of fluid (using the wrong kind of fluid can actually cause serious damage). Typically, you add fluid to an automatic transmission by placing a funnel into the dipstick tube. If you’re unsure, refer to your owner’s...
Drain themotor oilandcoolantfrom the engine. And whether you'll be pulling the transmission along with the engine or not, consider draining the tranny fluid also. Don't forget to unbolt the transmission dipstick tube from your engine block, if your vehicle is so equipped. ...
Using avacuum pumpis the easiest and cleanest way to accomplish this, allowing access to the oil sump through the dipstick tube. Thread the clean sample bottle included in the testing kit to the pump. Attach aclean hose(the length of the dipstick plus one foot) to the top of the pump an...
1. Remove Oil Fill Cap and Dipstick With the engine cold, remove the oil fill cap to inspect for brown milky goo that has collected on the bottom of the cap, which is an indication that coolant is leaking into the oil. Chances are the head gasket has failed, but if theengine has bee...
If the system does not hold pressure, you have found an internal leak. Now you have to figure out where. Check the level and appearance of the oil on the dipstick for coolant contamination in the crankcase. A higher-than-normal oil level and/or a foamy appearance to the oil or droplets...