Compress the tensioner pulley and use the flathead screwdriver to leverage the serpentine belt over the tensioner. Slowly release the pressure on the pulley, and check that the belt is properly configured according to the chart. Ensure the belt is centered on every pulley. Remove the breaker bar...
The fan belt on the 1995 Nissan Pickup is a V-belt that also operates the alternator. The belt is driven around the fan pulley and the alternator pulley by the crankshaft while the engine runs. As the belt circles the accessory pulleys, it enables the fan to keep the radiator cool and ...
Remove the two Torx head bolts at the top and four 10mm bolts in the body of the timing belt cover. Remove the timing belt cover. Using carb cleaner, spray down the cam sprocket and crank pulley so you can see the timing marks clearly. Bring the engine up to top dead center (TDC) ...
I had to use a screwdriver to lever the loop in the belt up and around the motor shaft. That idler pully has quite a spring, and in that position, you don't have much leverage yourself. But the screwdriver-lever got the belt into place around the pulley and motor. Then I had to w...
Place the cover back on and tighten the bolts down to specification. Replace the crankshaft pulley as well as the four bolts that hold it in place. Step 2 Replace the engine splash shield as well as the driver's side front tire.
The drive belt drives the rear axle and tires. It runs from the front pulley to a pulley located over the rear axle. You do not have to remove the deck. Put the belt on the front pulley and run it above the mower deck, through the belt tensioners, and back to the rear axle. T...
How To Replace A Dryer Belt If the belt is loose, it can cause the dryer to make excessive noise. To check if the belt is loose, remove it and measure the distance between the pulley and the belt. If the belt is more than 1/8 inch (3 millimeters) off of its proper position, re...
Start with taking your two belts off, remove motor mount, remove power steering pump, crank pulley,next remove timing belt covers along with tensioners. Remove valve cover. timing belt tensioner, now you have access to the water pump. remember your timing marks before you remove. When ...
8. LOOSEN primary bely tensioner 9. Move belts out of the way and hold Water pump pully with a strap wrench and use chanel-lok pliers to remove clutch fan LEFT HAND THREAD 10.Remove 4 10mm bolts to water pump pulley using wrench and ratchet ...
Step 7: Remove the pump and pulley. Note that the pulley is splined and should come right off. Put it on your new pump and tighten down the nut. Also remove the union fitting from the old pump, the one little nut on the side. Replace the O ring on the inside of the fitting...