Also known as whirling or revolving sprinklers, a rotating sprinkler system uses a circular spray of water to quench your turfgrass’ thirst. This type of rotary sprinkler has two or more arms that spray water by spinning rapidly in circles, relying on centrifugal force to fling water outward o...
Once water begins to actively flow from a large hole or crack -- not just spray -- you can't repair the damage with tape, and the only way to repair the hose is to cut out the damaged section. Make clean, straight cuts on each side of the section you have to remove, using a sh...
K-Rain sprinkler heads have interchangeable nozzles shaped with different angles to alter the distance of the spray. Ideally, the spray from one sprinkler head should overlap the spray area of all adjacent sprinkler heads. The spray should travel far enough to touch the adjacent sprinkler heads. ...
However, most require you to turn the entire body of the sprinkler to get the correct spray angle. This is also a good time to see if your sprinkler head needs any cleaning. Step 2 - Dig Around the Sprinkler Next, if your pop-up sprinkler is recessed in the ground, you need to use...
How to Replace a Pool Skimmer. A skimmer is a vital cog in a pool, used for removing debris and protecting your pool pump. Simple maintenance will extend the life of your skimmer and should be performed regularly, as replacing a skimmer is a large, diffi
Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler Note: Motion-activated sprinklers may not work during winter if the temperature drops low enough to freeze the water in your hose. If you live in a colder climate, install the sprinklers in spring or summer so neighborhood cats are trained to stay...
needed a single smart piece in our smart irrigation setup: theOrbit B-hyve Faucet Timer Plus. The Faucet Timer is one of the few options out there for adding smarts to an ordinary garden hose. Therest, likeRachio,GreenIQandRainbird, replace the controller for your in-ground sprinkler ...
Dwarf types are best for container grape growing, but even they require some form of trellis to climb, so plan in advance and be sure that your supports are extremely sturdy. The vines will literally be growing around them, which makes the support hard to replace. ...
needed a single smart piece in our smart irrigation setup: theOrbit B-hyve Faucet Timer Plus. The Faucet Timer is one of the few options out there for adding smarts to an ordinary garden hose. Therest, likeRachio,GreenIQandRainbird, replace the controller for your in-ground sprinkler ...
Repair faucet and sprinkler leaks ASAP:Fix leaks, dripping outdoor faucets, or broken sprinkler heads as soon as possible to avoid puddles in your yard. Remember, mosquitoes can lay their eggs in the tiniest of water sources – as small as a bottle cap. ...