Among the choices of wood species, western red cedar has been prized for its natural durability and stability (comparable to redwood) plus its natural beauty that comes from a fine grain and pleasing natural color. While western red cedar is a regional product of the Pacific Northwest area of...
Another thing to point out (didn’t see it in the article) is to make sure you don’t nail the deck boards into the band and through the Z flashing, last summer I had to replace all the siding, most of the framing, and detach a second floor wrap around deck because the builder ha...
but we weren’t seeing any leaks in the house so that was good. We hired a couple guys off of FB marketplace to replace the window (mistake #1). They showed up and the main guy seemed really confident
If the rot is less than 1/2 inch deep, the board can probably be left in place. More extensive rot calls for a replacement board. Use a flat pry bar to carefully remove rotten boards. Replace them with rot-resistant wood. If nails or boards are popping up or coming loose, do not p...
Clover mites live on or close to the food they like to eat. Once they find a food supply around your home, they will quickly move onto the siding. They like wood such as cedar, pine or pressboard. They will live in all the cracks and crevices such siding provides. It is likely ...
our help desk is a treasure trove of customer insights that your marketing, sales, and customer service teams can all learn from. Depending on the size of your business and the sophistication of your customer, you likely have a collection of tools to allow customers to: Submit support tickets...
(or sea-green) slate quarried in the southern portion of the state. To maintain the character of the city, Burlington requires homeowners who want to replace a slate roof with asphalt to go through zoning and show that the cost difference to restore the slate would create economic hardship. ...
a mobile home. Cedar siding is also available, and in addition to a more rustic look, cedar is also more moisture-resistant than other types of wood. Cedar also happens to be a natural insect repellent. Wood is great for the hands-on mobile home owner who is up to maintaining it. ...
How to Properly Fence Your Goats In The goat pen is constructed from 8' cedar poles, spaced between 5 to 6 feet apart (depending on the terrain), and planted two to three feet deep into the ground. Cement secures the posts in place for added strength and stability. A layer of rocks ...
In this DIY guide, I show you how to hide a whole house generator in your yard. Even if you don’t need to hide a standby generator for unexpected power outages, the tips I cover can be used to hide an AC unit or sump pump.Here are some jump links to the main sections of this...