How to care for a wool coat when you’re not wearing it When the weather gets warmer and you know won’t be wearing your coat for a few months, store your coat carefully to keep it in its best condition. ✦ Keep moths away.Repel moths and other insects that could infest and damage...
Learn to recognize if you have clothes moths, the different types of moths, and how to get rid of moths using natural and organic solutions. Read on!
That destruction prompts some folks to reach formothballsto keep the pests out of their home. While mothballscanbe incredibly effective at keeping moths and their larvae from destroying your clothes, linens, and carpets, they can also leave behind a terrible odor while doing so. Keep reading to...
How to get rid of clothes moths Dry clean and wash clothes.Dry cleaning kills all stages of the moth. Store clean materials in airtight containersor storage bags to prevent another infestation. Use cedar oil to repel adult moths.Cedar chests can help to repel moths from laying their eggs in...
If you spot moths in your pantry, do not consume any food that's been damaged by them. Jordan adds, Any item that looks contaminated should be thrown away." You can then learn toget rid of pantry moths, oreradicate clothes mothsfrom your closet and drawers.Enoz Store Moth Balls from Am...
Mice are also repelled by camphor, lavender, and wormwood. You can find dried lavender in health food stores and some garden centers. Sometimes just the scent of cats will be enough to deter mice from returning to an area. One reader says that sprinkling kitty litter around entrances to the...
Add a lavender sachet to your towels, sheets, or clothes to repel moths. The herb is also known for its calming effects. If you suffer from insomnia, try slipping a lavender sachet into your pillow. Lavender oil is used to naturally induce sleep. Learn more about the health benefits of ...
As a bonus, the woody aroma should also repel clothes moths — so keep some of these disks in your wardrobe as well. Just sand them down every now and then to refresh the scent.13. Garlic It's known for its vampire-repelling properties but, as it turns out, spiders do...
Cabbage maggots are the larvae of a fly. Plant radishes near cabbages to repel the flies. Place row covers over seedlings or plant through the garden fabric to keep flies from laying eggs in the soil. Mound diatomaceous earth or hot pepper around stems if maggots are in the soil. You can...
Moths are annoying and migrate around Colorado each year. I've figured out a way to repel them from my deck, and porch. It's a natural essential oil blend.