Consult your dentist if you observe that your denture has loosened, cracked, or chipped. Do not try to self-adjust it or repair a cracked denture with glue from the hardware store as the harsh chemicals in it can be harmful to the mouth. ...
The injury may appear quite devastating to the owner but most carry a good prognosis, bothfunctionally and cosmetically, with appropriate therapy. Without repair, the result may be loss of teeth, osteomyelitis, jaw deformation, or loss of proper masticatory function.H. David Moll...
difficulttorepair.Becausethereisnotoothinthemouth, itisimpossibletohavearetaineronthedenture.Becauseof theinsufficientheightofthejaw,itisimpossibletoimplant thecompletedenturewiththemethodofimplant.Itcanonly berepairedbytheconventionalmethod.Howisthealveolar ridgeinlaidwithcompletedenture?Inmyopinion,ontheone hand...
Sometimes just buffing the tooth down so it’s a tiny bit shorter than its neighbors (so it receives less biting pressure) provides a lasting solution. (This is referred to as “taking the tooth out of occlusion.”) When more major repair is needed....
Repair or replacement of dental appliances Treatment of other health conditions Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine In cases where gingivitis has progressed to more serious gum disease, you may need other medications, a deeper physical cleaning of your teeth and gums, or even dental surgery....
Significant infection in a nonviable, nonsalvageable tooth Marked tooth mobility (eg, due to infection, periodontal disease, trauma) posing a risk of aspiration A nonsalvageable tooth may result from tooth decay, pulp necrosis, bone loss secondary to periodontal disease, or trauma ...
Various types of missing teeth, full mouth edentulous harm to human body is the most serious, for the full mouth edentulous patients for complete denture fabrication is very difficult, especially in patients with alveolar ridge, it is more difficult to repair. Because there is no tooth in the ...
Wondering if your tooth extraction is healing as expected? Learn the signs of normal recovery and what complications to watch for, including tips on managing common symptoms.
Skipping regular tooth brushing can cause serious problems. Untreated plaque leads to gingivitis, which may worsen into periodontitis. This can damage your gums and even result in bone or tooth loss over time. You might notice gum recession, making teeth appear longer and feel sensitive. ...
When we sleep, our bodies produce more human growth hormone (HGH), which is essential for cell regeneration and repair. This process helps build new collagen fibers, resulting in increased skin elasticity and reduced wrinkles. In addition, sleep helps to reduce stress levels, which can lead to...