my mind goes to murderbot. it claims to be a loner, to not need friends. yet it forms a deep attachment to a sentient research vessel. later, it even offers one of its human companions a hug. of all her characters, wells has said, murderbot is the one she’s put the most of ...
FSP Federated Sentient Planets (gaming) FSP Fuerza de Seguridad Pública (Public Safety Force, Honduras; also FUSEP) FSP Foreign Service Premium FSP Floridians for a Sustainable Population FSP Fukushima Sky Park (Japan) FSP Fuji Safari Park (Japan) FSP Flight Strip Printer FSP Fishery Sector Prog...
my mind goes to murderbot. it claims to be a loner, to not need friends. yet it forms a deep attachment to a sentient research vessel. later, it even offers one of its human companions a hug. of all her characters, wells has said, murderbot is the one she’s put the most of ...