运行以下命令,解决问题 mysql> STOP SLAVE; mysql> SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 1; mysql> START SLAVE; 主要参考这篇文章 www.howtoforge.com/how-to-repair-mysql-replication
2. MySQlCHK The tool MySQlCHK comes with MySQL, and the client can independently perform table maintenance, namely; check, fix, optimize, and analyze the table. To repair damaged tables, use the command: MySQlCHK --auto-repair -o --all-databases -uroot -p This way, you can start checki...
I'm sorry if I created the topic in the wrong place Subject Written By Posted how to repair mysql.infoschema Dima Din May 03, 2020 09:04AM Re: how to repair mysql.infoschema Dima Din May 03, 2020 12:45PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
If you are going to repair a table from the command line, you must first stop the mysqld server. Note that when you do mysqladmin shutdown on a remote server, the mysqld server is still available for a while after mysqladmin returns, until all statement-processing has stopped and all i...
You may get error message: clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly, if the tables are still getting used by your application and other tables. To avoid this error message, shutdown mysqld before performing the repair, if you can afford to shutdown the DB for a while. If...
oh, I'm very sorry I solved this I use this SQL query GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'mysql.infoschema'@'localhost' Subject Written By Posted how to repair mysql.infoschema Dima Din May 03, 2020 09:04AM Re: how to repair mysql.infoschema ...
MySQL Recovery Kit data repair tool for damaged databases on an InnoDB or MyISAM storage engine. MySQL Recovery Kit helps recover tables, data, indexes, and keys of non-work MySQL databases. MySQL Recovery Kit can fix most errors in MySQL d-bases.
InnoDB Tables are less likely to get corrupted and prone to crashing. But if they do then it becomes very difficult to repair them using a manual approach. Taking the help of specialized MySQL Database Repair software is the best way to repair InnoDB Tables....
How to repair tables? If you find errors after checking a table, you must first make a backup of that table and then fix the table. The familiar MyISAMCHK tool can also be used to repair a damaged table; for this, only use other options. So, use the –recover parameter with the ta...
If themysqldserver is stopped, you should use the--update-stateoption to tellmyisamchkto mark the table as“checked.” You have to repair only those tables for whichmyisamchkannounces an error. For such tables, proceed to Stage 2. ...