But mortar can crumble with age, and cracks that allow moisture in could eventually cause structural damage. That's why it's important to periodically assess and repair mortar joints or the spaces between the cinder blocks. This process of adding new mortar to the joints is also called repoin...
That’s not to say that it’s an easy process bringing your brand to fruition but with a solid plan and handy tools to help get you started, getting your label off to the right start is a lot simpler than you might think. Starting a fashion line can be quite difficult especially if...
An angle grinder will make short work out of removing lumps in concrete floors. They will also cut concrete block. But they put out large amounts of eye-watering and lung-irritating dust when doing this work. And given that this is silica-containing dust, it’s known to be dangerous to...
12 on each side of your body. They come in three different types. From the top, the first seven sets of ribs aretrue ribs. They connect in the back to the spine and connect in the front to the sternum. The next three pairs are thefalse ribs. They connect in the back...
fueled by firewood or dried animal dung. The lighthouse survived through more than 22 earthquakes before it came toppling down in 1303 [source:Clement]. The people of Pharos loved their lighthouse dearly -- it was a source of power and revenue for the island. They attempted to repair and ...
Drilling into brick or mortar may seem like a challenging task, but with these tips and tricks, you can successfully drill into any material. Learn more here! URL slug: /tips-tricks-drilling-into-bric
Seal Gaps: Use quickset mortar to fill any gaps between the stones or bricks to ensure air flows through the designed vents and not through cracks. Install a Gasket: If there are gaps between your fire pit and the steel ring, temporarily use aluminum foil as a gasket to prevent smoke fro...
Squirrels are notorious pests when it comes to stealing bird food. Here are three ways to keep squirrels out of bird feeders.
Because landscaping blocks are usually solid, their own weight holds them together, so you don’t need to use mortar or cement for stability. Prepare the site by leveling the ground. Dig down into the ground approximately two inches. You may want to dig a few inches deeper if you’re cre...
In response to aLiving on a Dime story about budgeting, Yvonne asks about how to stick to a budget: My problem is not setting up a budget but sticking to a budget. Gas costs what it costs. Groceries –It is expensive to eat healthy. Do you have suggestions for how to live on a bu...