Where is the bladder located in relation to the uterus? What is the lining of the esophagus? What is the structure of the fallopian tubes? Is the uterus a muscle? What is the function of the ovaries? Is the uterus in front of the intestines? When does the uterus move out of the pelv...
The lining of the inner wall of the esophagus is made up of acid resistant cells at the bottom of the tube. It also has a sphincter at its junction with the stomach, which closes most of the time to prevent acid flowing backwards from the stomach into the mouth. Heavy smoking or heav...
Mallory-Weiss tear.This is a tear in the lining of the esophagus. It’s usually caused by severe vomiting. It can also happen due to things that increase pressure in your belly, such as coughing, hiccupping, or childbirth. Find out more about nausea and vomiting. Bleeding from the stomach...
Digestion is a complex process involving multiple organs working together seamlessly. It begins in the mouth, where enzymes in saliva start breaking down carbohydrates. As food travels through the esophagus, it enters the stomach, where gastric juices further break it down into a semi-liquid substa...
(I’ve taken GI Microb-x in the past). He also suggests taking a glutamine-based formula to repair your gut lining and digestive enzymes with meals to assist with breaking down and digesting your food. To find out which of these measures might be necessary have your stool analyzed by ...
Ethanol remains problematic even as the body begins to break it down. Initially, an enzyme turns it into a chemical called acetaldehyde. "Both ethanol and acetaldehyde are carcinogenic and when they touch the lining of the mouth, throat or esophagus, that can cause cancer,"Dr. Noelle LoConte...
During nasal breathing, the palate moves forward and "opens" the nasal airway for air to pass into the lungs. During swallowing, the palate moves backward and "closes" the nasal passages, thereby directing the food and liquid down the esophagusinstead of into the back of the nose. ...
During nasal breathing, the palate moves forward and "opens" the nasal airway for air to pass into the lungs. During swallowing, the palate moves backward and "closes" the nasal passages, thereby directing the food and liquid down the esophagusinstead of into the back of the nose. ...
What controls the passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach? Describe the gross anatomy of the large intestine. A patient has no peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract. Explain a possible complication of this condition. Describe what occurs if ...
Never open the capsules—HCL is extremely acidic and will burn your mouth and esophagus. Avoid if you have active peptic ulcers (stomach ulcers). Stop if burning occurs, especially after 1 capsule. Do not take on an empty stomach; use only with food. ...