Pottery Repair Video Tutorial A to Z - Abbreviated What is needed for mending: 1. Two-part clear 5 min. PC Clear epoxy2. Wooden stick, paper clip or a pin-tool 3. PVC pebbles, resin pellets, or rice 4. Clay 5. Razor blade 6. Denatured or 91% Alcohol7. Rag 8. Paper pad to ...
Before applying a layer of spray paint on your 3D printed items, you should add the undercoat to create lifelike dark tones (shades) to make the figurine or model look more beautiful. Usually, it is best to use black paint for the first undercoat. To make a 3D print in PLA or resi...
To use the item codes to get any item in Witcher 3, you will have to type in the console the “additem(‘name’)” code. Instead of “name,” you will have to type (or paste) the name of the item you want from below. For example, if you wanteda Grandmaster Griffin Armor, you...