Get a librarian profession villager and reset its profession until the first level trade offers mending books. This is by far the most consistent way to gain mending for all of your tools. Q. Does Mending take away XP? Mending uses experience you pick up to repair tools and weapons you ha...
The weaponsmith needs a grindstone to work so all you have to do is find his working station and mine the grindstone with a pickaxe - beware, if you don't use a pickaxe to mine it then it won't drop, it'll simply break. How To Use A Grindstone The grindstone has two purposes: ...
When you’re in the Black Forest, you want to look for pine trees. They’re going to look slightly different from the beech trees you’ve been harvesting for the standard wood to build your house, workbench, and several starting items. You can chop down a pine tree with a stone ax, ...