Did you notice one of your favorite coffee cups is broken? Then learn how to fix a broken mug so you can keep using it. We’ll tell you how.
CERAMIC JAPAN | 鴨子杯 DUCK MUG1973年成立於日本瀬戸市的Ceramic Japan,曾推出不少瓷器餐桌用品, 1983年再版推出經典人氣名作 "鴨子陶器餐具"復刻版,把圓圓的鴨子頭設計成手柄,配合陶瓷圓潤的質感,設計簡單而又不失可愛感。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mate
CERAMIC JAPAN | DUETTO MUG 馬克杯成立於1973年 Ceramic Japan ,發源於擁有1300年陶器燒製歷史的愛知縣瀨戶市,他們利用傳統技術融和現代設計風格,製作出實用性與藝術性兼具的食器用品。這款帶有北歐味道的Duetto系列馬克杯,擁有獨特的釉料色彩和形狀,造型平滑流暢,呈
“I like to turn a ceramic cup upside down and glide the knife edge on the ring,” says Pollack. To try this tip, simply take your ceramic coffee mug and turn it over. Then, run the knife blade across it quickly for roughly 15 to 20 seconds. The abrasive and rough surface on the...
Ceramic Mug –Ceramic mugs are resistant to high temperatures and easy to clean. As they retain heat better, they are very suitable for hot beverages like coffee, tea, or even hot chocolate. A ceramic mug is resistant to high temperatures and easy to clean. As it retains heat better, it...
A broken ceramic (your old, trusted Daiso mug will do) Plastic spatula or flat sticks Thin, rubber gloves Cotton swabs A hammer (for breaking your ceramic) Sandpaper and something to protect your work surface (e.g., newspaper) You can find all of the above and more in this handy set....
Mod Podge Dishwasher Safe is a non-toxic and water-based, making it easy to clean up! Mod Podge Dishwasher Safe is not food safe so make sure to always leave room for your lips to rest when drink from a crafted mug, wine glass, or tumbler. ...
Sift.Sift the matcha (to remove any lumps) into a mug or small bowl. Whisk.Pour the ¼ cup of hot water into the mug and use a matcha whisk to whisk vigorously in a "W" pattern for about 30 seconds, until frothy. Alternatively, you can use an electric frother. ...
1. A cafe is actually called a “bar” in Italy First, it’s important to know that what we call a “café”, Italians call a “bar”. (What’s especially confusing, but we’ll get to in a minute, is thatcaffèactually means “coffee”.) You’ll see hundreds of bars around Rome...
It’s tradition to take a few sips before you bring your mug down, failing to do so will bring upon you the wrath of the hop and barley gods. Alright! You’re now armed with a knowledge of beer styles and etiquette and ready for your first German drinking toast! So, how do you ...