You learned in this article how toreorder factors to plot the bars of a ggplot in a specified axis orderin R programming. Note that it would be possible to use similar R codes to reorder or reverse the axis orders of other types of graphs showing discrete or categorical variables such as ...
One of the problems that we usually face withggplotis that rearranging the bars in ascending or descending order. If that problem is solved usingreorder()orfct_reorder(), the next problem is when we have facets and ordering bars within each facet. Recently I came acrosss this functionreorder...
Next, I’ll create a horizontal bar chart with some customizations I often like to use. I’m ordering the bars from highest to lowest values, outlining them in black, coloring them in blue, and changing the ggplot2 default gray background. ggplot(data = bos_values,aes(x=reorder(RegionNam...
ggplot(dataframe name, aes(x=reorder(column1,±column2), y=column2) 这里,如果你想要升序,那么你将使用’+’加号,如果你想要降序,那么你应该使用’-‘减号。注意: Column2必须是有数字数据的列。例子: 让我们首先以升序显示同一条形图。library(ggplot2) # Create the data frame. <- data....
“chart-shaming,” in fact) is that people don’t follow up with a better alternative. So here I’ll show how I would have created a different graph (using R and ggplot2) to communicate the same information. This also serves as an example of the thought process I go through in ...
I’m ordering the bars from highest to lowest values, outlining them in black, coloring them in blue, and changing the ggplot2 default gray background.ggplot(data = bos_values, aes(x=reorder(RegionName, Zhvi), y=Zhvi)) + geom_col(color = "black", fill="#0072B2") + xlab("") ...
If the levels are not in the correct order automatically, reorder them as follows: data$group <- ordered(data$group, levels = c("ctrl", "trt1", "trt2")) Summary statistics can be calculated by groupings. You can use the dplyr package. Type this to install the dplyr package: install...