The bald-faced hornet also lives in the US, but is actually classified as a species of wasp.Hornets build paper nests high above ground and are very aggressive when that nest is threatened. They do perform a service by hunting down other insects, but their aggressiveness and ability to ...
When dealing with large or particularly challenging hornet nests, professional removal services may be necessary. This is the safest way to remove a hornet nest, especially if it is particularly large or in a hard to reach area. If you're allergic to wasp or bee stings or if you don't ...
Alice Shaw-Beckett, fromCleanipediasays, "Termites can cause serious structural damage to your home by chewing through wood. A professional exterminator may be the best way to remove termites, but you can prevent their access to your home by sealing up cracks and gaps in your walls and keepi...
Some garden treatments to remove fleas are available. Nematodes are a type of microscopic worm that can be deployed into the garden. They spread throughout the garden and eat all flea eggs, larvae and pupae. The types of nematode used for biological garden control cannot infect animals, humans...
Most honeybee nests are manufactured, but other bees make their homes in tree cavities, buildings or even holes in the ground. A wasp's nest consists of one or more rounded combs made of a papery pulp. The wasp makes this pulp out of chewed-up fibers and its own saliva. Wasps tend ...
Bees In the Car Remove bee infestation from your car by adding chemical smell that would repel bees and by filling all gaps around car doors so that no space is left for the bees to be able to breed within or at the side of the car. Bees usually do not form a hive inside cars, ...
I am allergic to honeybees, one of which stung me yesterday, but was kind enough not to leave its stinger in. What got me was when I poured the salt filling the hole, of those that came out, about 30 were skimming the salt as if trying to remove it. Yeah, bad move, but I coul...