欢迎大家留言!同时我将会在居家隔离期间隔天更新视频! Instagram: oliviakewang 微博/抖音/YouTube:oliviakeke 居家隔离期间是多么好的时机给家里安排个大扫除~洗衣机长时间不洗可比马桶还脏!希望可以给集美们动力,一起把家里整理的井井有条~ Music by Gil Wanders - Ako Music by DION - Pardon Me...
Step 1 Unplug the machine. If there is a fault with any aspect of your washing machine and you are going to get inside the machine, then there is no reason to risk the possibility of an electrical shock. The machine may have to be pulled away from the wall slightly to remove the wall...
FAQ for Samsung Laundry. Find more about 'How To Remove And Clean The Detergent Drawer In The Front Load Washing Machine' with Samsung Support.
but in the end, they come out cleaner and brighter than before. The washing machinedisposes of a chunk of the dirt through the drainpipe. Still, the dirt, the residue from the clothes, and soap scum tend to accumulate in the machine over a period of time, ...
解析 Let me explain how to use the washing machine. First, put the dirty washing in the washing machine. Next, put in the washing detergent. It goes in this special drawer. Then, choose the correct setting for your washing. Lastly, press the "start" button. And that's it. ...
Find out how to clean your front loading Samsung washing machine debris drain filter using our easy guide and instructions.
Whatever the root cause, the water must be drained from the washing machine before we can get to the bottom of the issue. 4. Remove the drain hose Next up, you need to remove the drain hose. The drain hose is crucial in removing water from the washing machine. As you detach the ...
●To avoid any unpleasant odors, be sure to promptly remove any damp clothes from the washing machine. Allowing damp garments to remain in the machine for an extended period may worsen the situation. After every cycle, make sure to take them out and leave the drum to dry in the air. ...
The washer/dryer combination consists of a dryer that sits on top of a washing machine. This set-up is designed to save space and provide small areas with the ability to have a washing machine and dryer. Once the two pieces are connected, it operates as
You might think that washing machines don’t need any cleaning because they’re the ones doing the cleaning. But even your washing machine needs a good deep cleaning on a regular basis to keep functioning effectively.