Banana peels can also be used to treat warts as well! Just tape a piece of the peel to cover the wart, leave on overnight, and remove in the morning. Continue with nightly treatments until wart is gone. To stop the itch from bug bites and poison ivy, rub banana peels on the affecte...
Warts on the face cannot be passed on by sharing towels, toilet seats, bath water and so on. Foot warts and genital warts are a little different, as they can be transmitted through direct contact, (but again, not through sharing towels.) ...
Use home freezing kits to quickly remove the bulk of the verruca. Verrucas are simply warts on the bottom of your feet. About 66% of verrucas will go away within two to three years.[3] If they are painful or bothering you, however, you should consider cryotherapy, which is freezing off...