Re: How to Remove 18+ Casino Poker Mahjong & Adult Roms «Reply #2 on:October 10, 2016, 02:41:51 PM » I want to delete Adult Roms from harddrive via some batch script. Logged Gab75 FBNeo Contributor Posts: 1627 Karma: +41/-0 ...
Method block_focus(block=True) of element: If True, this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard (TAB or ctrl-TAB) to go from one element to another. To remove focus box in sg.Button, Set option focus=False in sg.Button, it is default Set option use_default_focus=Fal...
when i’m spreading sunfire/moonfire i’m getting an overlap where the UI is trying to teach me what my sunfire does, and it’s making me unable to click another nameplate because it’s attempting to click a tooltip that has…
On all computers on which the console has been installed, if UserLock reports or scripts have been scheduled on the computer, remove these tasks from the UserLock console or from the Windows Task Scheduler. Then, no files related to these tasks should be in the "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ISD...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server In the right panel, right-click the InstalledINstances value from the Name column with ACT7 for Data, then click Modify In the Edit Multi-String dialog, clear all of the Value data, then click OK to remove ACT7 from the...
Tap onModify > Remove > Confirm When asked tap onRestart Springboard How to Bypass Jailbreak Detection: You need to add the following tweaks on Cydia to block jailbreak detection on apps that don’t run on jailbroken devices. Method 1: JailProtect ...
Hi all, I want to remove Lenovo Welcome software on all devices via intune Any ideas on how when I go...
6. When complete, go back to the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility and highlight Windows Internal Database (MICROSOFT##SSEE) and click remove.7. Go back to the command line and run the following commandsnet stop mssql$microsoft##ssee
Oh wow.. that's surprising. My only option to to revert back to the old UI? I don't want to go back, I love the new UI, I just need to rehome those shortcuts. Word does it well, letting me put my most used feature/tools at the VERY t...
One of our clients has upgraded their Windows 2012 R2 DC to 2019. The Windows Update shows "Some settings are managed by your organization". They wanders how remove this message. I have tried these... Please try this people. It solved it for me. It took me 4 ...