Soak a washcloth in full strength liquid fabric softener. Wring out excess, then lay out to dry first before using–helps prevent staining garments the first time. When ready: toss in the dryer and use again and again until it no longer works. Resoak when needed (you should be able to ...
Remove the laces and insoles from your trainers - laces can get tangled in the mechanism of your washing machine, and insoles are prone to shrinking in the washing machine. If you're zipping your trainers safely inside a mesh laundry bag, you can leave the laces on. Ian Palmer-Smith fro...
Here's the Best Way to Remove Smells From Tupperware How to Clean Your Dishwasher How to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen 9 Ways to Clean Your Kitchen with Baking Soda We Finally Found a Better Use for All Your Old Bay Leaves How to Clean Cutting Boards of All Different Types 9...
You need to run citric acid or vinegar in the dishwasher to remove the builduo. Running it with the dishes will help get the hard water sum off too. Use a few cups of vinegar once your dishwasher gets going. If that doesn’t do it I’ve read to use a whole gallon, I inever had...
Help! I see tutorials on how to remove grout stains but that’s not my problem. My problem is the linoleum floor! My linoleum has imitation squares to look like tiles plus tiny indents all over the linoleum to give it texture. In Tucson there is so much dust flying in the air and I...