In addition, the method for removal is somewhat dependent on what type of mustard you're dealing with. Some mustards are more oily while some have lots of mustard seed or other spices, which are tannin stains. This means that these stains are "combination" stains, and you've got to take...
Luckily, coffee stains are easy to eliminate just as long as the spot hasn't dried completely. Coffee is also a tannin, which means you'll need an acetic acid component (aka white vinegar) to your stain removing technique. Spilled coffee on your white sneakers or canvas shoes? Here's ho...
There are a couple of different kinds of stains, including greasy stains, tannin based stains, and protein based stains. There are also a couple of miscellaneous stains that aren't food related at all, like candle wax. Here's a list of the pages in theA-Z Stain Removal Guidewhere you c...
Nothing pairs better with a burger than an ice-cold Coke.Spill it on your clothes, however, and that drink goes from refreshing beverage to annoying. TODAY Home asked cleaning experts how to remove cola stains and, as it turns out, it’s not that hard after all! How to remove soda sta...
If they do, post-spotting tries to get them out. A conscientious cleaner will remove the overwhelming majority of soil and stains, but there is always a small percent of very stubborn stains that may not be entirely removed for a variety of reasons, such as: Tannin stains set by heat ...
It will open the pores of the wood and often remove tannin stains that darken the wood. Brightener or conditioner will neutralize the chemicals and needs to sit for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the product.Older decks, or decks that haven’t had much ‘TLC’ over the years, may need...
Deck Sealer - How To Seal Your Deck Step two of learning how to seal your deck is important because if the surface of your wood deck is clean, thedeck stainandsealercures evenly. Use a deck washer to get rid of mildew, tannin stains, and other tough stains. ...
For best results, be sure to wash like colors and fabrics together. Pretreat any stains with the Stain Solution (ideal for color-rich protein and tannin stains such as red wine, juice, chocolate, and ink) or the Wash & Stain Bar (ideal for oil or grease stains such as ring around the...
Will baking soda and vinegar remove stains? Baking soda and vinegar can be made into a thick paste. The acid in the vinegar will fizz up on the stain because it's helping to break down the oils. Leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse. ...
Home Improvement How To Get Stains Out of Clothes The World Remember Your School Supplies From the '50s? Stain Removal How to Remove Red Stamp Pad, Red Ballpoint Pen, and Red Ink Stains Toys How Magna Doodle Works Green Living Surprising Baking Soda Uses Space What Is the Chandler Wob...