If your dog will let you, you could trim a sanitary cut while you’re at it to trim all the hair around the rectum. Seek Medical Help Contact your veterinarian if you can’t remove the hard stool from your dog’s coat or think you’re dealing with pseudocoprostasis. Many vets will...
Bowel preparation, also known as bowel prep, is the process of removing feces (stool) from yourcolonbefore a medical or surgical procedure such ascolonoscopyorcolorectal surgery. Removing feces and other residues reduces the risk of intestinal abrasion and makes it easier to view the colon through...
We also need to poop. You’ve likely noticed that these leave your body via the same exit. Telling the difference between the two is incredibly important, especially in public. Mistakes do happen, but they're uncommon thanks to the competence of your rectum and anal sphincter. If you ...
Laxatives or stool softeners: medications like lactulose can help your cat pass stools more comfortably by increasing the water content or stimulating bowel movements. Enemas or manual evacuation: procedures involving inserting a liquid or a gloved finger into the rectum to remove the impacted stools...
Bright red blood present in or on the stool Pain in the stomach, lower abdomen, rectum, or back Change in stool colorto black, red, or maroon Stool test positive for occult blood loss (blood may present, but you cannot see it)
It’s a test of your colon and rectum. Your doctor uses a long, thin tube with a camera on the end to see deep inside your colon. That can help spot small growths calledpolypsthat can become cancerous later. If you’ve hadpain, bloody stool,constipation, ordiarrhea, a colonoscopy als...
A bowel movement empties the rectum of any stored stool. This frees up the area so that the trapped intestinal gas can move. Herbal Tea Spearmint, ginger, and anise teas are all known to help get rid of gas naturally. That said, avoid anise if you have recurring diarrhea since it...
When you have bowel or urinary incontinence, you're more likely to have skin problems around your hips, pelvis, rectum, or genitals. You may develop redness, peeling, andyeast infectionsbecause of too much moisture in those areas. Here are steps you can take to protect your skin: ...
Pyrogens (fever-producing substances) that come from outside the body include the following: Viruses Bacteria Fungi Drugs Toxins How to Take Your Temperature Body temperature measurements are usually measured by temperature devices inserted on or into the rectum, mouth, axilla (under the armpit), sk...
Blood work to see if there are increased levels of white blood cells Stool analysis to test for flora, inflammation, blood (from diverticular bleeding), and bacterial or fungal overgrowth A CT scan to look for infected or inflamed diverticula ...